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Manjianghong (Full River Red) for Commencement Ceremony Class 2024

作者: 来源: 发表于:2024-06-19 15:02:14 文章点击数:[]

满江红   2024州河送别





   骊歌起,觞频酌。 纷飞燕,人如昨。





Full River Red / The River All Red

2024 Farewell by the Zhouhe River

For a century long, the hallowed school has sung,

With peach and plum blossoms in full bloom so young.

Today, with joy, four thousand students fair,

In splendid garb, depart the ivory tower.

Fortunate are we to have devoted sages,

Whose wisdom through years has not waned in stages.

The young ones happily meet the dawns sheen,

By the green willow bank, emotions so keen!

The farewell song rings, cups raised in toast high.

Flying swallows in flocks, people as of yore fly.

Saying this departure leads to paths abloom,

Where kites soar and fish leap in their room.

With noble spirit and hearts loyal and true,

Always strive with vigor, neer to lose their crew.

In fine attire and on fierce steeds so bold,

Unfettered, free, with no chains to hold.

On the Zhouhe River, a melody of phoenix taking wing,

Like a crane ascending, to the heavens spring!

                                                                                                                                                                          (Mainly Trans. by  AIGC)

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